Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Elsie's Amazing Stash

Elsie bought a ball of yarn and put it in a box,
Because she thought some day that she might knit a pair of socks.
Then Elsie found another ball that she liked even more.
She bought that one and so the box held two yarn balls in store.

But Elsie forgot about the yarn until a stormy day
When knitting socks beside the fire seemed enticing as the way
To best spend time and so she went and looked into the box
But as she lifted up the lid, she shouted out in shock.

For there were not two but twenty or more balls of yarn in there.
Where did they come from?
She did not know, and frankly, did not care.

Elise knits beside the fire and has so many socks,
That she gives them away and has never to pay
For yarn to put in her box.

Elsie always makes sure that those first two balls
Stay inside that container.
Obviously they breed and they don't need feed.
As pets, they are a no-brainer!

by Janine Tinklenberg. Permission is granted to knitting guilds to reprint this in their newsletters as long as I get a copy and am properly attributed.


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